<aside> 📚 This section displays our values and outlook for JewelBoyz, including important principles, Guildmaster’s Insights, and metrics for measuring success.


Guilds: What are they?

What is a Guild?

3 Benefits of being in a Guild

Synopsis of JewelBoyz Guild from GameMaster

I see DefiKingdoms as a non-collaborative game so far but will be transformed once PVP/PVE and Land drops happen. Collaboration at this point in the stage of the game is not needed to succeed. JewelBoyz offers collaboration in a few areas that will propel us for the future, streamlining knowledge and sharing heroes. The guild is at a great point in this stage of the game with the premise of onboarding new members and working together to eventually form a "Kingdom" within the structure of the game.

Guild formation-->Allocate funds-->villages-->allocate funds-->profit

🧭 Mission

<aside> 💡 Notion Tip: A good mission statement is quick, short, and sticks in people's brains. What purpose are you working toward every day? Here's an example we love from Apple.


To make a contribution to the world by making tools for the mind that advance humankind.

🔭 Vision

<aside> 💡 Notion Tip: A vision statement expresses the long-term aspiration of a company. What change do they want to make in the world? Here's Amazon's first version.


Our vision is to be earth's most customer-centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discovery anything they want to buy online.