<aside> 💡 Notion Tip: Consider creating one, central living document that codifies your company's office etiquette and norms. This can save new (and even existing employees) a lot of time and headaches getting oriented. Here's an example borrowed (partially) from the good people at Blendle who host their wiki on Notion.



1. Who are the JewelBoyz?

Experienced, passionate, and knowledgable DeFi enthusiasts. We come from various backgrounds such as researchers, analysts, community managers, traders, and developers!

2. Where can we read more about the Founders of this Guild?


3. Is this a woman-friendly group?

Of course, we pride ourselves on being inclusive of all genders.

4. How do I join the exclusive guild?

Open a help ticket in #guild-membership. From here, a Guildmaster will reach out to you to collect payment and get you started.

5. How often do I renew my guild membership?

The membership fee you paid is for lifetime access!

6. Are you guys affiliated with DefiKingdoms in any way?

We are an independent group, with no DFK affiliation.

7. How will the membership dues in Treasury be used?

30% for deck creation & quests/summons, 25% to JEWEL-ONE LP, 20% to the bank (15% of this dedicated to land acquisition), 10% to spells/potions10% kept in wallet w/ voting to occur for Treasury and infrastructure improvements.

8. What can we expect to see in the guild?

Strategic game meetings, town hall meetings, and AMAs will occur regularly and we keep the floor open for suggestions and feedback. Exclusive members will also be able to partake in voting proposals so we can collectively decide on how Treasury funds will be used.

9. Can you middle-man Hero sales?