Hypothesis - Having heroes with strong dominant and recessive classes can increase chances of summoning a higher class. (ex. having a wizard/priest , wizard/wizard, priest/wizard, priest/priest will increase chances of summoning a Summoner. Could also check lineage of heroes that created the heroes you are choosing to summon with. Genes can skip one generation but show up on the next. ✅ (proven)

Hypothesis 2- Summoning with Gen1/Gen2 yields better returns. ✅ (proven)

**Hypothesis 3-**Having at least one rare card might boost chances of getting a higher ranking card/class even if you don't summon the higher class hero (Inferno used a rare + uncommon to summon a MYTHIC) ✅

Hypothesis 4- Having a relative lineage for the heroes you are summoning with will increase your chances of a higher summon. ✅

Hypothesis 5-Cross-breeding subclasses can also produce a dominant gene in the hero you are summoning.

Current Knowledge - results can still be randomized and completely off. The chances of summoning a higher class is <20%. Increasing tears will also help strengthen a summon once heroes start leveling.

Thoughts - @neel "I think this affects heroes for PVP. The optimal play might be to load up on say gen1s, level them to 100, spend massive dfktears to impart bonuses to a level 1 gen2, then level that one up to 100, rinse repeat, etc"

"To infuse a crystal, heroes pour their energy into Gaia’s Tears and JEWELs, which are then fed into a summoning crystal. Stronger heroes may use additional Gaia’s Tears to cause the portal to seek stronger heroes more like the summoner." Having a large quantity of Tears may also help summon stronger heroes.

You can boost stats of summoned child with tears i think when you are in a higher level

The bonuses loop through the following pattern with each increased step in +10 tears paid per summoning hero:

Examples: LVL30 Wizard (highest stats INT, WIS, and LCK) pays 70 Gaia’s Tears (base 10 + 60 for 6 steps of 5 levels) Summoned hero receives +1 to INT and WIS, +1% primary stat growth to INT and WIS, and +2% secondary stat growth to INT and WIS